歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :152 1681 4001。華雅再生醫學-客服: 316 808 6348
The TeSR™ family of feeder-free media are produced using rigorously pre-screened materials to ensure the highest levels of batch-to-batch consistency and experimental reproducibility, allowing you to minimize variation in your research and establish a
continuous TeSR™ media-based workflow. Each medium is based on published formulations1-3 from the laboratory of James Thomson, and allows researchers to maintain high quality embryonic stem (ES) cell and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell culture systems.
Which TeSR™ Feeder-Free Medium is Right for You?
TeSR™-E7™ is a xeno-free reprogramming medium optimized for human iPS cell induction from fibroblasts.
Based on the E8 formulation³ with TGFβ removed for improved reprogramming efficiency.
Pre-screened components ensure generation of high quality iPS cell colony morphology for easy identification and rapid subcloning.
ReproTeSR™ is a xeno-free reprogramming medium optimized for the generation of iPS cells from blood-derived cells.
Formulation is optimized for reprogramming of erythroid or CD34+ cells expanded in vitro from peripheral blood.
Rapid emergence of large colonies with high quality iPS cell-like morphology.
歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :152 1681 4001。華雅再生醫學-客服: 316 808 6348
mTeSR™1 is the most published medium for the culture of hPSCs.
Over 700 peer-reviewed publications, including 35 Nature Publishing Group and 25 Cell Press.
Maintained thousands of ES and iPS cell lines for more than 7 years in over 50 countries.
Utilized in published protocols for a wide variety of applications including bioreactor expansion, single-cell cloning, and lineage-specific differentiation of mTeSR™1-maintained hPSCs.
Contains pre-screened bovine serum albumin to stabilize the medium, aid in lipid-nutrient transport, and protect from cellular toxins and stresses.
Maintains pluripotency of ES and iPS cells after extended periods in culture and supports the derivation of iPS cells and their in vitro differentiation into mature cell types.
TeSR™2 is a xeno-free version of mTeSR™1.
• Modified formulation, but with all xeno-free components, to produce a more defined medium.
• Compatible with published mTeSR™1 protocols for a wide variety of applications.
• Contains recombinant human albumin to aid in lipid/nutrient transport and protect cultures from
cellular toxins and stresses.
TeSR™-E8™ is a xeno-free culture medium, based on the published E8 formulation.3,4
• Contains only the 8 most essential components required for PSC maintenance.
• Has 433x less protein than mTeSR™1.
• Can be used with Corning® Matrigel® hESC-qualified matrix, or for a compley xeno-free system, with Vitronectin XF™.
Lineage-Specific Differentiation with STEMdiff™
Consistent differentiation of ES and iPS cell lines to downstream lineages can be challenging. We recommend our STEMdiff™ suite of products for optimal and reproducible differentiation to cells of the:
• Ectodermal Lineage: STEMdiff™ Neural Induction Medium, STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Medium, and STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Freezing Medium
• Endodermal Lineage: STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit and STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (TeSR™-E8™-Optimized)
• Mesodermal Lineage: STEMdiff™ APEL™ Medium and STEMdiff™ APEL™-LI Medium
Low-Protein Differentiation with TeSR™-E5 and TeSR™-E6
TeSR™-E6 and TeSR™-E5 are low protein media that can be used for differentiation, screening assays and other applications where the removal of specific cytokines is desirable. Other cytokines and growth factors can be added to these media for specific applications.
• TeSR™-E6 is a defined, serum- and xeno-free medium that is based on the formulation of TeSR™-E8™ but does not contain bFGF, TGFβ.³
• TeSR™-E5 is also a defined, serum- and xeno-free medium based on the formulation of TeSR™-E8™ but does not contain bFGF or TGFβ or insulin.³
歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :152 1681 4001。華雅再生醫學-客服: 316 808 6348
mFreSR™ and FreSR™-S are defined, serum-free media optimized for cryopreservation of ES or iPS cells cultured in TeSR™ maintenance media. hPSCs cryopreserved in FreSR™ have higher thawing efficiencies than those reported with conventional methods using serum.5-8
• Use mFreSR™ for cryopreservation of human ES and iPS cells as cell aggregates.
• Use animal component-free FreSR™-S for cryopreservation of cells in single cell suspension.
Corning Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix基底膜基質膠(標準型) 5mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 356234 ¥2,023
Corning Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix基底膜基質膠(標準型) 10mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 354234 ¥3,859
Corning Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix基底膜基質膠(高濃度) 10mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 354248 ¥6,045
Corning Matrigel Matrix基底膜基質膠,低生長因子GFR(標準型) 5mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 356230 ¥2,325
Corning Matrigel Matrix基底膜基質膠,低生長因子GFR(標準型) 10mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 354230 ¥4,533
Corning Matrigel Matrix基底膜基質膠,低生長因子GFR,無酚紅(標準型) 10mL/瓶 華雅再生醫學 BD 356231 ¥4,883
Corning Matrigel Invasion Chamber,8.0um PET膜,24個包被小室 24個/箱 華雅再生醫學 BD 354480 ¥4,301
加拿大的STEMCELL公司(STEMCELL Technologies Inc.)近日宣布將推出一系列新產品,以加速人多能干細胞的研究和轉化應用。這些新產品包括全新的多能干細胞培養基TeSR-E8,以及誘導多能干細胞定向分化的STEMdiff系列產品。
加拿大的STEMCELL公司(STEMCELL Technologies Inc.)近日宣布將推出一系列新產品,以加速人多能干細胞的研究和轉化應用。這些新產品包括全新的多能干細胞培養基TeSR-E8,以及誘導多能干細胞定向分化的STEMdiff系列產品。
此培養基是基于James Thomson實驗室去年發表在《Nature Methods》上的E8配方。作為iPSC創始人之一,美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的James Thomson教授領導的研究小組曾開發出mTeSR™1和TeSR™2培養基。盡管TeSR培養基能夠在沒有動物蛋白的情況下支持干細胞的生長,但其中添加了人血清白蛋白和人源基質蛋白,這就使得培養條件極其昂貴,不適合日常使用。
James Thomson教授領導的研究小組對iPSC的培養條件進行了優化,去除了培養基中的BSA和BME,并在DMEM/F12培養基中添加了胰島素、FGF2、維生素C、硒、轉鐵蛋白和TGFβ,開發出一種*確定的培養基E8。這種培養基能夠支持人ESC和iPSC的未分化增殖。
TeSR-E8可與BD Matrigel™ hESC基質或玻璃粘連蛋白(vitronectin)共同使用。根據STEMCELL與威斯康辛大學校友研究基金會的協議,TeSR-E8培養基預計在今年9月份上市。
同時,STEMCELL還推出了STEMdiff系列產品,包括STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm / Cardiomyocyte / Hematopoietic kits。這些新的試劑盒可誘導hESC/iPSC定向分化成內胚層、心肌細胞和造血祖細胞。STEMdiff產品采用可靠的試劑和操作步驟,可使多能干細胞穩定地向多種譜系細胞分化。此產品經過優化,可與mTeSR™1和TeSR™2培養基共同使用,預計在今年10月份上市。
歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :152 1681 4001。華雅再生醫學-客服: 316 808 6348
BeYaMATM 1 Juvi Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium
一、 培養皿包被
1、 4℃溶解Matrigel(BD 354277)八小時,輕搖混勻。請注意:原液應是均質粘稠的半流體狀態,要避免溫度過高,否則Matrigel會變成凝膠狀態。
2、 冰上預冷1.5ml離心管和移液器槍頭,冰上快速將Matrigel分裝成350-500ul/支,儲存于-80℃,用前置于4℃解凍。
3、 將溶解的Matrigel加入25ml預冷的無血清DMEM/F12培養基中,輕輕混勻,避免產生氣泡。
4、 將稀釋的Matrigel加入六孔板中,1ml/孔,輕搖培養板,使Matrigel均勻鋪在培養板底部。
5、 Parafilm封好包被的培養板,至于4℃儲存,用前置于37℃培養箱中孵育至少1小時。
二、 培養液準備
1、 在4℃解凍BeYaMATM 1 5X Supplement(貨號:HJ0103M)添加劑,加入BeYaMATM 1 Basal Medium(貨號:HJ0102M)基礎培養基中,形成500mL BeYaMATM 1 Complete Medium(貨號:HJ0101M)*培養基。
2、 BeYaMATM 1*培養基可在4℃穩定儲存2周。可按實際用量將BeYaMATM 1*培養基分裝后置于-80或-20℃保存,避免反復凍融。
三、 hESCs/hiPSCs復蘇
1、 復蘇hESCs/hiPSCs前,復溫Matrigel包被的培養板,吸棄孔內液體,加入2ml BeYaMATM 1*培養液及2ul 5uM/L Rock Inhibitor Y27632,用以促進細胞貼壁。
2、 從液氮罐中取出hESCs/hiPSCs凍存管,浸入37℃水浴,輕輕搖晃,直到細胞融化至僅剩一小塊冰晶,迅速取出并用75%酒精擦拭凍存管外表面,轉移至無菌超凈臺中。
3、 將細胞懸液接種至準備好的培養板中,輕輕晃動使細胞均勻分布在板底。
4、 小心將培養板放置于培養箱中,避免振動。
5、 30-90min后顯微鏡下觀察細胞基本貼壁,更換新鮮BeYaMATM 1*培養液,之后每24h換液,4-6天后傳代。
四、 hESCs/hiPSCs傳代
1、 提前準備好Matrigel(BD 354277)包被過的六孔板,吸棄孔內包被液,加入2ml BeYaMATM 1*培養液。
2、 吸棄待傳代hESCs/hiPSCs孔內的培養液,并用1ml無鈣鎂的PBS洗1遍。
3、 加入0.5ml Accutase細胞分離液使之*覆蓋皿底。
4、 室溫孵育5-8分鐘或37℃孵育3-5分鐘,顯微鏡下觀察到大部分克隆細胞間出現間隙,細胞表面發亮但尚未相互分離時,可吸去Accutase。
5、 可將培養板放置37℃繼續孵育1min,或者直接加入適量新鮮BeYaMATM 1*培養液,輕輕搖晃,干細胞集落基本脫落。亦可用細胞刮刀將剩余克隆輕輕刮下,盡量避免用槍頭反復吹打細胞。
6、 將制備好的細胞懸液按1:3 - 1:6的比例接種至準備好的培養板中,注意細胞過密則克隆邊界不圓滑,易分化,細胞過稀則克隆存活率降低。
7、 輕輕搖晃培養板讓細胞均勻分散,置于37℃,5% CO2培養箱中培養8小時。
8、 每天更換培養液,待細胞密度達到80%以上,或者克隆中央密度過大,影響細胞生長時進行傳代。
如果您在使用BeYaMATM 1 JuviTM Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium 人多能干細胞無血清培養液的過程中,有任何技術問題,我們開通了Juvi科學家技術團隊,歡迎您發郵件到Juvi@hystemcell.com 進行交流溝通,我們的目標是:推動中國iPS干細胞技術走向產業和臨床!