BioLife Solutions CryoStor®是BioLife公司特別優化的細胞凍存液,在極低溫度 (-70ºC to -196ºC)下準備和保存細胞。預混DMSO,為細胞和組織的冷凍、儲存和解凍過程提供安全的保護環境。CryoStor®通過調控凍存過程的分子生物學反應,無血清、蛋白或具有高細胞毒性的試劑,就能增強細胞活力和功能。
BioLife Solutions CryoStor® Usage and Cryopreservation Protocol使用與凍存方法
1. 待冷凍細胞配制懸液(機械法或酶法解離)。
2. 細胞懸液離心獲得沉淀。
3. 去除上清液 - 注意:盡可能多地移除培養基,以降低CryoStor®凍存液被稀釋程度。
4. 分離:加入預冷的(2-8°C)CryoStor®凍存液。
a. 細胞密度:0.5-10×106 細胞/ mL,常規細胞培養方案(細胞密度可以更高)。
b. CryoStor®凍存液已經混合了DMSO,不需要再添加其他任何凍存劑。
5. 預冷:細胞/CryoStor®混合懸液2-8°C孵育約10分鐘。
6. 成核:-70°C冷凍樣品(許多方案交替使用-70°C和-80°C)
a. 大多數哺乳動物細胞,使用程序降溫法 (-1°C/min)或類似方法。
b. 程序降溫盒或異丙醇容器需要預冷到 2-8°C。
c. 約-5℃時 (-70°C冷凍約15-20min后)啟動樣品內的冰核形成(seeding),啟動方法可以是程序降溫儀控制的液氮噴放或是機械攪拌樣本(輕彈或輕拍)。
d. 使用異丙醇容器的冷凍時間(-70°C)建議為3-4小時。
a. 長時保存溫度液氮-130°C以下。
b. -80°C 保存建議只能用于短時期保存,幾周到幾月。
8. 解凍復蘇:37°C水浴快速解凍樣本。
a. 解凍時輕輕搖晃,直到看不到任何冰塊。1mL凍存管樣本解凍時間大約3分鐘。
b. 樣本不能在結冰點以上加熱(0-10°C)。水浴中拿出來時,凍存管觸感是冷的。不推薦被動解凍。
9. 立即用培養基稀釋細胞/CryoStor®混合物。
a. 稀釋步驟可以一步完成。
b. 稀釋用培養基溫度為20°C到 37°C。
c. 推薦稀釋比例≥1:10 (樣本:培養基)
11. 使細胞進入培養環境或立即使用細胞。
12. 解凍后24h進行細胞活力檢測。*
推薦使用更準確的活力檢測方法,活死細胞熒光分析或代謝分析(MTT or alamarBlue®)。
華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :1500 1904 520。紅榮微再-客服: 經銷商專員
1) 細胞重懸Place cells to be cryopreserved into suspension (mechanical or enzymatic dissociation)
2) 細胞離心Centrifuge cells to obtain cell pellet
3) 去上清液Remove supernatant - Note: Remove as much culture media as possible, to reduce dilution of CryoStor® solution.
加BioLife Solutions CryoStor CS10凍存液
4) ISOLATION: Add cold (2-8°C) CryoStor®
a. 細胞密度Cell concentrations: 0.5-10 x 106cells/ml for routine cell culture protocols (higher [cell] possible).
b. CryoStor CS10凍存液已經預混入DMSO。DMSO is pre-mixed in CryoStor® - no additives are necessary.
5) 凍存前冷孵育PRE-FREEZE: Incubate cell suspension at 2-8°C for approximay 10 minutes
6) NUCLEATION: Freeze samples at -70°C (many protocols utlilize -70°C and -80°C interchangeably)
a.程序降溫 Use a controlled rate freeze (-1°C/min) or similar protocol for most mammalian cell systems.
b. The freezing device or isopropanol container should be pre-cooled to 2-8°C.
c. Ice nucleation within the sample (seeding) should be initiated at approximay -5°C using either a liquid nitrogen burst program setting on a controlled rate freezer or mechanical agitation (flick or tap) of the cryovial/sample container after approximay15-20 min. at -70°C.
d. Freeze time (-70°C) using isopropanol containers is recommended to be 3-4 hours.
BioLife Solutions CryoStor CS10儲存
7) STORAGE: Place samples into storage
a. Store samples at liquid nitrogen temperatures (below -130°C).
b. Sample storage at -80°C is only recommended for short-term storage (weeks to months).
8) 水浴快速解凍THAWING: Thaw samples quickly in a 37°C water bath
a. Sample thawing should be conducted with gentle swirling of sample until all visible ice has melted. Approximate thaw time for a 1 ml sample in a cryovial is approximay 3 minutes.
b. DO NOT allow sample to warm above chilled temperatures (0-10°C). Cryovials should be cool to the touch when removed from bath.Passive thaw is not recommended.
9) 培養基稀釋細胞Dilute cell/CryoStor® mixture immediay with culture media
a. Dilution procedure can be preformed in a single step.
b. The dilution media should be between 20°C and 37°C.
c. A dilution ratio of 1:10 (sample to media) or greater is recommended.
10) Plate cells in appropriate configuration
11) 細胞培養Place cells into culture conditions or utilize immediay
12) 復蘇后細胞活力檢測Viability assessment 24-hours post-thaw*
Note: To obtain an accurate measure of cell viability following cryopreservation, assessment should be performed 24 hours post-thaw and compared to non-frozen controls.
*Sample assessment immediay post-thaw with membrane integrity indicators, such as Trypan Blue, for comparative analysis of sample cell yield and viability often results in significant overestimates of cell survival.
Live/Dead fluorescent assays or metabolic assays (MTT or alamarBlue®) are recommended for more accurate viability assessment.
Visual inspection of adherent cells and cells “floating” in the media is also recommended.
BioLife Solutions CryoStor CS10 GMP級干細胞凍存液現貨
歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :1500 1904 520。紅榮微再-客服: 經銷商專員
BioLife Solutions CryoStor CS10
品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 |
BioLife Solutions | 210102 | CryoStor CS10 Freeze Media 細胞DMSO凍存液 GMP臨床級 | 100 mL/瓶 |
BioLife Solutions | 210210 | CryoStor CS10 Freeze Media 細胞DMSO凍存液 GMP臨床級 | 1000 mL/袋 |
BioLife Solutions | 210202 | CryoStor CS10 Freeze Media 細胞DMSO凍存液 GMP臨床級 | 100 mL/袋 |
BioLife Solutions | 210374 | CryoStor CS10 Freeze Media 細胞DMSO凍存液 GMP臨床級 | 16 mL/瓶 |
BioLife Solutions | 210373 | CryoStor CS10 Freeze Media 細胞DMSO凍存液 GMP臨床級 | 10 mL/瓶 |
CELLBANKER 2 是 CELLBANKER® 系列的無血清*細胞凍存液,通用于各種動物細胞株。特別配方有效提高細胞存活率和活力。不含動物來源性蛋白,能減少各類病毒、霉菌和支原體等污染,確保凍存細胞安全。適合用于無血清培養細胞和蛋白表達細胞。
Cellbanker2 即用型凍存液
品牌 | 產品描述 | 包裝 |
ZENOAQ | CELLBANKER 2 即用型細胞凍存液 | 100 mL/瓶 |
ZENOAQ | CELLBANKER 2 即用型細胞凍存液 | 20 mL/瓶 |
咨詢CELLBANKER 2 即用型凍存液和BioLife Solutions CryoStor CS10 GMP級干細胞凍存液歡迎您致電 華雅再生醫學旗艦公司:紅榮微再(上海)生物工程技術有限公司 :1500 1904 520。紅榮微再-客服: 經銷商專員